When starting with the TTSH build last year I prepared the Formant power supply, that I still had from the past, as kind of standalone unit. Meanwhile I realized that this would be a little too big to easily fit into the TTSH case I've built. I decided now to redo this part. I've bought two new transformers (one delivering 2 x 18V and one delivering 9V) that nicely fit into the bottom corner of my TTSH case. I've added an aluminum rail to hold the three 2N3055 power transistors and the power inlet on the backside of the case:

Backside with 2N3055 Power Transistors and Power Inlet Backside with 2N3055 Power Transistors and Power Inlet20160313_215647_8664cr
Backside with 2N3055 Power Transistors and Power Inlet

The Formant power supply PCB now is mounted vertically on the side of the case, above the transformers:

Elektor Formant Power Supply, Transformers and Backside of Front Panel Elektor Formant Power Supply, Transformers and Backside of Front Panel20160313_215833_8665c
Elektor Formant Power Supply, Transformers and Backside of Front Panel

Later I've added some earthed protection around the transformers:

Protection of the Transformers Protection of the Transformers20160320_171307_8669cr
Protection of the Transformers

Then I've created another front panel to hold the main power switch and the LED indicators for the +15V, -15V and +5V supplies. To be able to externally connect some electronics for experimenting, I've also mounted according outlets for +15V, -15V, +5V and ground. The same front panel will be used for a quartz tuning fork. This is an old little Elektor unit I also still have from the past, but I'm missing a quartz of 27.035 MHz to make it correctly generate a 440 Hz tone.

Front Panel of Power Supply Front Panel of Power Supply20160313_220328_8668cr
Front Panel of Power Supply

Also this front panel is not perfect. I've put a transparent plastic foil over it for protection, but this gives a kind of strange effect.

Built with Pelican · © 2024 Peter Kamphuis